Zeteon Technologies
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Information Management Solutions

This is a highly innovative solution that can help monitor and manage activities of all stakeholders of an educational institution. The user friendly and self intuitive application is modular and comprehensively covers most functionality required by an educational institution.

Technology is changing the way faculties teach and students learn. As technological advances are introduced in education, the promise and potential of IT in enhancing learning are attractive. Investing in technology has become an imperative in imparting complete education and spreading literacy.

CampusLive v3.0 is a Campus Management solution built to overcome the gaps present in the current Education System. It not only helps to manage the School better, but also to provides access to School related information directly to the stakeholders through its uniquely developed online Students’ Information System [SiS]. A good number of Schools have already endorsed this software solution. Of the advantages, to name a few a notable functions that can be carried out include:

Student Profile Management, Attendance, Automatic Class Time Table Planner, Fees, Library, Results Management (that records the performance/trend of students for all the 10 years he/she studied in the School), Admissions Management (to speed up new admissions process), Campus Intranet, HR & Payroll for Staff, etc.

If you need any more information about us, please don't hesitate to contact us.